Thursday, April 24, 2008

One Month to Live

If I had only one month to live, there is so much I would try to do or accomplish. I couldn't even explain how it would feel like when I first would've found out I only had to live for a month. First thing I would do was go and visit my Uncle Mike in the hospital. I would stay down there as long as I had to just so he would get better. The next thing I would do would be try and try and try to win the lottery, and if I finally won I would give some to the charity and my family. I would also go and visit all the little kids in the St. Jude hospital. I have always wanted to do that. I would stay with them for days and days just to let their last memories be happy. Another thing I would do is get Kaitlyn, Jordan and my rap published, for everyone to see it. I would everyone in our class and in my family and my friends would buy it so it would be a memory of me. I would take Kaitlyn to a Paramore concert because she has always wanted to go to one. My mom and I would take a world trip together and spend most of the month with her because she is my best friend and I know I would really miss her. I would also buy Leah and heather a cell phone because they don't have one and just in case I need to tell them something right before I die. I would get another laptop just like Mr. Trawicks, and an Active board like Mrs. Porter. I would never forget about any of my memories with my friends and I would make many more so they would never forget me. One word HAWAII! I would defiantly bring Kaitlyn and my mom to Hawaii with me. The best memories and last memories is always with your best friend and mom. I would take my grandmother and go outer space because both of us have always wanted to do that since I was little. I would also try out for survivor and take my grandmother with me. The next thing I would do would be to meet Pete Wentz, Dr.Phil, The Olsen Twins, and all the cast to Full House. I have always wanted to meet those people and Ive been watching Full House since I was little. That is my all time favorite show. I would want to get an album book with all pictures of me and all my friends and family together and make copies and give it to them.

Well, there are a few things I would like some people to have. I am going to write a will. The first item would be my phone. I think my phone would go to my mom because her phone is always messed up. It never works right. The next item would be my laptop. I would give that to my mom too. All my converse shoes would go to Lindsey Purvis, and Leah Hallman. They would go to them because I know they love converses. My dog, Allie, would go to Kaitlyn because she is in love with it and talks about it all the time. All my clothes would go to homeless kids and girls because they are less fortunate.

If I really did only have a month to live I would do many more things, that I can't really explain. I wouldn't be able to believe it at first and I know I would freak out! Well there are most of the things I would do If I only have a month to live.