Thursday, May 10, 2007

Officer Colquitt

Officer Colquitt was our D.A.R.E officer who recently passed away. I think that he was a good influence on people's life.Especially ours.He helped us with our problems and was a good friend to us.I am sad that he has passed.I will terribly miss him.Monday when we went to his funeral it was really sad.There was a lot of his family and friends there.It was so packed that people were standing up and in the halls of the church.Some of my friends had went to his visitation and said that his lion was buried with him.The lion was a great meaning also.When he would bring the lion to our class everyone would fight over it.The reason we fought over it was because we got to hold it and braid its hair.Ha!He helped people through thick and thin.He helped people realize that the world has better things than to do drugs and get into violence.Of Colquitt died Saturday of a massive Heart Attack.D.A.R.E was a good thing to do and he did it GREAT! When we turn around and say his name and call for him he will not be there.When we try to find him driving down the road we will not see him.I think we will think he is still here for a while until it gets into reality.I think everyone will miss him DEEPLY.We LOVE YOU Officer Colquitt


Jennifer said...

Nicely said.

Mrs. C