Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Skitaway Island

The 7th grade is going on a trip to Skitaway Island.Mrs.Riggins and Mrs.Chapman are taking us. I am so excited.We are leaving tomorrow morning at 8:00.When we get there we are doing activities,which the UGA students are helping out with.One of our activities are going to be walking through the marsh.It will be nasty but fun at the same time.Another actvivtie we are going to do is The Ghost Walking tour.I know that is going to be fun!Mrs.Riggins has roomed us with different people.I am rooming with Kaitlyn,and Heather.I am so excited!!! :] I know we will have a great time. Some of the things we have to bring are Sleeping bag or sheets to sleep on,A little back pack to carry your science notebook and stuff in,water,and stuff like that. Everyone in my class is going except blake.I think it is going to be a one and a life time to experience the way we are.I wish he could have came.It would have been even better with all of our classmates there.


Jennifer said...

It was a great time!!

(and it's Skidaway, not Skitaway.)


Mrs. C